最新消息:Namely获得红杉领投3000万美金,算作C-1轮Namely创立于2012年,提供的工具可以帮雇主管理诸如工资表和津贴费、绩效管理、员工出勤表以及人才招募等服务。虽然也有很多类似的公司,比如 TribeHR、Zenefits 和 Workday,但致力于为雇主与员工提供互动平台的Namely并非只是一家单纯的人才管理公司。2015年3月获得1100万美金融资。这次获得领投的3000万美金。
Namely, a human resources software platform for mid-market companies, raised $30 million in a late-stage funding round led by existing investor Sequoia Capital. Matrix Partners, True Ventures and Greenspring Associates also participated. The funding follows Namely’s Series C round in June and brings the total funding raised to $107.8 million.
Namely, the modern all-in-one HR software platform for mid-market companies, today announced it has raised an additional $30 million in funding led by existing investor Sequoia with support from Matrix Partners, True Ventures and Greenspring Associates. The funding follows Namely’s Series C round in June and brings the total funding raised to$107.8 million. The company also announced expanding operations and client milestones – including that it now processes over $2.5 billion in annual payroll – solidifying Namely’s leadership position in the mid-market.
前段时间,Netflix 宣布关闭其最后一个数据中心,将其影片库和用户数据库的关键内容全部存储在公有云。紧随其后的是 AWS 的开发者大会以及昨天刚刚技术的云栖大会,大家都在说公有云是企业服务的未来,是一种基础措施。
Netflix 首席产品官兼工程副总裁 Neil Hunt 直言:“AWS 现在已经是计算服务的基础层。”
即使亚马逊,微软,阿里云和 Google 等巨头都宣称自己的服务十分安全,但并不是所有人都信任这些宣传,而且公有云之间的切换成本过高也是一个值得关注的问题。
针对这些问题,Bracket Computing 的产品为用户提供了一个打包上云服务。通过名为 Computing Cell 的软件,用户可以把应用程序、相关数据、安全功能和管理程序等打包成一个包裹,并在公有云或客户的私有服务器上快速部署。Bracket 通过多层加密技术保证 Cell 在多个公有云上的安全性 ,即使是在不受信任的网络环境下也能工作。
根据华尔街日报消息,Bracket Computing 日前获得了一轮 4500 万美元 C 轮投资,Fidelity Management and Research Co. 和 Goldman Sachs 等投资人参与了此轮,其现有投资者还包括了 Andreessen Horowitz,高通和通用电气等巨头。Bracket 的两位创始人 Tom Gillis 和 Jason Lango 都是 IT 老兵,他们之前的防病毒硬件公司 Ironport Systems 在 2007 以 8.3 亿美元的价格被思科收购。
移动应用管理初创企业 Apperian 刚刚获得了 1200 万美元的 C 轮融资。
Apperian 是一家提供移动应用管理(MAM)的初创企业,成立于 2009年,总部位于波士顿,现有员工 67 人。所谓移动应用管理,是指提供内部开发的移动应用并对其进行管理,从某种意义上来说,可以视其为企业内部的应用商店。其契机是有一部分企业要求提供类似苹果应用商店或 Google Play 这样的公共移动应用集散地,供其在内部发布移动应用。要知道 2007年iPhone 才刚刚推出,2年 后 Apperian 就开始进入企业移动应用市场,这种当时消费者化为主流的移动市场还是需要眼光和勇气的。
从企业移动应用的发展轨迹来看,大多数企业一开始主要把注意力集中在移动设备管理(MDM)上,只是到了最近几年才开始慢慢扩大到移动应用的管理(因为一开始企业并没有多少移动 app)。因此,移动应用管理的功能是很多 MDM 平台的功能扩展,像被 VMWare 收购的 AirWatch、被黑莓收购的 Good Technology 就是这样。不过 Apperian 跟此类竞争对手的不同在于,它支持应用封装、独立应用容器,提供了移动应用安全与动态策略控制,允许客户在 MDM 系统之外部署 MAM,这样的话 Apperian 的客户可以向自己的合作伙伴、第三方人员等提供定制 app,从而更加灵活地进行移动应用管理。
目前 Apperian 的客户包括 Aetna、AT&T、Emory Healthcare、Reed Elsevier、丰田以及 Walgreens 等数千个组织,通过 Apperian 发布的移动应用已经超过了 170 万。
此轮融资由 First Floor Capital 领投,Bessemer Venture Partners、KPCB、North Bridge Venture Partners、Intel Capital 等跟投,此轮融资过后其总融资额已达 3900 万美元。此轮融资所得将用于加强市场营销、产品开发以及增加人力。此轮的领投方 First Floor Capital 是一家马来西亚的投资公司,Apperian 选择这家 VC 的部分目的正是在于希望借此来拓展亚洲市场。
Company Growth Accelerates as App-Centric Security and Management Take Center Stage and MDM Alone is Deemed Insufficient
BOSTON – September 9, 2015 – Apperian® Inc., the mobile application management and security company, today announced it has completed a $12 million Series C funding round. New investor First Floor Capital joins Bessemer Venture Partners, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, North Bridge Venture Partners, Intel Capital and CommonAngels Ventures in backing Apperian. The funding will be used to fuel growth and platform innovation as CIOs and line-of-business leaders increasingly need to secure and manage the proliferation of apps and data in the enterprise.
MAM Offers a Superior Solution to the Enterprise
With enterprise apps, BYOD and contracted workforces on the rise, enterprises are increasingly tasked with supporting an environment of unmanaged devices – mobile devices not under corporate mobile device management (MDM). This creates a barrier that prevents organizations from securely distributing critical mobile apps to the users who need them.
As Gartner’s August 2015 report, ‘How to Live With Unmanaged Mobile Devices’ states “Gartner clients who have tried MDM and have received poor feedback from their workforce, which perceives it as too invasive on their mobile devices, have been inquiring about alternative methods to securely provide enterprise access from mobile devices.”
Even organizations using MDM are seeking out additional layers of security and technology to insulate apps that matter. In “Mobile Applications and Cloud: Companies, Vendors Take Aim at Mobilizing Business Workflows,” 451 Research states, “Enterprise mobility management built around applications represents the future of ensuring enterprise data is protected and locked down and end users have the access they need to mobile service.”
These trends have driven demand for and adoption of Apperian’s mobile app security and management platform. The new funding will enable the company to accelerate delivery of new security and management capabilities as its technology has evolved into the industry’s most extensible platform.
Since completing its B round in January 2013, Apperian has:
Increased its annualized recurring revenue by more than 250%
Increased users under management by 400%
Enabled more than 1.7 million app deployments
Nearly doubled its average account size
Won numerous Fortune 500 and public sector customer engagements, including Aetna, AT&T, Emory Healthcare, Reed Elsevier, Toyota and Walgreens. Increasingly, Apperian is being selected as the corporate system of record for mobile app security and management
“Arming our employees with mobile apps that provide easy access to key systems has been a key initiative to improve the company’s productivity,” said Cheryl Van, Head of Learning and Development at RMS. “Delivering intuitive and private access to these mobile apps is incredibly fast and easy to maintain with Apperian. We’re driving high levels of secure adoption and our team members simply appreciate easy access via their personal mobile devices.”
“We’ve experienced incredible growth in demand for our platform over the past year as organizations are running into the limitations of traditional, device-centric enterprise mobility management products,” said Brian Day, CEO of Apperian. “Some of the world’s largest companies and public sector organizations have turned to Apperian for app-centric security and management methods so they can securely reach every single user. We’re excited to see this validation of our approach from new and existing customers, investors and analysts alike.”
To learn more about Apperian’s Enterprise App Store and Mobile Application Management platform, please visitwww.apperian.com.
About Apperian
Apperian is the leading enterprise-class mobile application management (MAM®) and security platform for the delivery of critical apps to 100% of users across an organization. Apperian provides fine-grained security and dynamic policy controls at the individual app level for deployments where mobile device management approaches are not possible or desired, such as BYOD, contract workers and other unmanaged devices.
Apperian’s easy to use interface offers a private, branded consumer-like enterprise app store that greatly increases mobile app adoption and a comprehensive app management back-end for administrators to easily protect and manage their business apps and data. The company has helped IT and line of business professionals secure and deliver more than 1.7 million enterprise apps to organizations such as Maxim Integrated Products, NVIDIA, Nationwide, New Balance, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
来源: Apperian
数据可视化服务 BlueData 完成 2000 万美元 C 轮融资,Intel 领投 本轮投资由 Intel 领投,Intel 高级副总裁 Doug Fisher 加入 BlueData 董事会。
同时 Intel 与 BlueData 宣布达成战略合作。Amplify Partners, Atlantic Bridge, Ignition Partners 和一家匿名的战略投资者也参与了投资。
BlueData 由两位VMware校友创办,帮助客户将大数据集群进行可视化处理,基于 Hadoop 或是 Spark 为用户提供服务。最近 BlueData 基于 OpenStack 开发了一个使用KVM虚拟机的Epic平台,将Hadoop中各种不同的系统存储的各种不同格式的数据进行统一处理。
Big Data Vendor BlueData Announces $20M Round And Intel Partnership
BlueData, a company that helps customers generate virtualized big data clusters, announced a $20 million Series C round and a partnership with Intel today.
Intel Capital led the round. Also participating were Amplify Partners, Atlantic Bridge, Ignition Partners, as well as a strategic investor who chose to remain anonymous. As part of the deal, Doug Fisher, senior vice president of Intel and general manager of its Software and Services Group, will join BlueData’s board of directors.
BlueData’s founders have their roots in VMware. The goal with BlueData has been to make it as easy to spin up a Hadoop cluster as it is a virtual machine, company founder and CEO Kumar Sreekanti told TechCrunch.
“Enterprises require efficient and agile implementations for their on-premises big data solutions. Speed and innovation are essential in big data analytics, and the infrastructure can’t slow this down.” Sreekanti wrote in a blog post.
The product is essentially Hadoop- or Spark-as-a Service, but instead of living in the cloud, it resides on-premises on customer hardware. It combines the agility, speed and multi-tenancy of the cloud with the performance of running on bare metal in the data center.
What’s more, it works with any version of Hadoop or Apache Spark. The company is also planning on supporting Docker containers in an upcoming release.
The deal with Intel will involve several levels including engineers from both companies working together. BlueData will also have early access to new hardware releases. The idea is that BlueData will work to optimize its products on Intel architecture, particularly Intel Xeon chips.
The two companies will also work together on joint marketing and sales projects, and Intel will provide BlueData with the entree at the large enterprise customers it craves.
The partnership has the potential to be a huge boost to a small company like BlueData, which currently has 35 employees. The agreement is part of Intel’s ongoing effort to support big data companies, and comes on the heels of a similar deal with Cloudera, a BlueData partner, last year.
This isn’t the first time, Intel has shown interest in BlueData. It also contributed to the company’s Series A and B round.
Intel has been spreading the wealth this week. Just yesterday, it announced a big cloud push to go with its big data initiative. As part of that, it invested significant money and resources in Mirantis , an OpenStack company.
Since it launched in 2012 BlueData has raised a fairly modest $39 million across three rounds including today’s announcement — and it wasn’t looking for a big score this time.
“We weren’t looking for a huge amount of money. It’s too early for that,” Sreekanti said.
Sreekanti wouldn’t say exactly how many customers it has, but it lists several on the company website including Comcast, Orange and Symantec.